The IComm Master has a payback period of less than one year for companies which:
1 | Organise a large-scale event (500 guests or more) at least twice a year |
2 | Regularly sponsor (small and/or large) events and for this purpose authorise multiple employees, spread across different departments, branches or offices, to invite contacts |
3 | Seek to increase their brand recognition among end customers by communicating directly with them in a targeted way – thus bypassing intermediaries |
With the Communication & Hospitality Master you need only spend time on decision-making activities: selecting the right customers from your databases; organising suitable packages; or personal contact with your key customers, partners and suppliers.
All executive and administrative tasks – accounting for over 55% of the time spent in the organisation of events or projects – are profit items with the IComm – Communication & Hospitality Master:
You also gain on ‘invisible’ items in your event organisation: